Celal Erdogdu, is a Chartered Valuation Surveyor and is recognized RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) with his MRICS designation. Erdogdu is an Associate Member of Appraisal Institute, Chamber of Urban Planners of Turkey. Celal Erdogdu graduated from ITU (Istanbul Technical University) Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning in 2001, while studying for a double major in Architecture in the same university. Following the undergraduate education, Erdogdu spent the next two years in Germany and the United Kingdom with the purpose of learning German and English. After working on real estate valuation in the period of 2003-2005, he became one of the founders and managing partners of Istanbul Real Estate Valuation and Consulting Inc. in 2005. In 2012, ISMA – Informācijas Sistēmu Augstskola’dan Menedžmenta a MBA degree in Real Estate Investment and Development in a Emerging Market Case of Pendik/Kurtkoy at the master’s thesis completed. Since 2007, Celal Erdogdu is one of the “Real Estate Valuer” licensed by the Capital Markets Board. Supervising the preparation of tens of thousands of reports since 2005.
Celal Erdogdu is the holder of certificates from the Appraisal Institute on Small Hotel/Motel Valuation and on Appraising Convenience Stores / Retail Fuel Properties.