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Valuation Company in Turkey


We do real estate valuation and machinery valuation with our certified professionals. Our company licensed by CMD and BRSA.


Your hotel feasibility and investment feasibility reports prepare by experienced hotel and investment professionals.


We analyse benchmark prices, plan typology, concepts and trends in our market research reports or your special requests.

2017 Real Estate Market Research Reports

We monitore real estate market with our focused reports; Hotel Market of Turkey, Shopping Mall of Turkey, Office Market of Turkey and Residential Market of Turkey. You can find statistical analyses and time series in our reports.

Our Professions

Valuation, Feasibility and Research Services

Real Estate Valuation

Our large certified valuers and professionals across to Turkey work with their local market knowledge and prepare full depth and detailed reports.

Machinery Valuation
Our certified professionals and mechanical engineers work for machinery and product line machineries in factories and production buildings.

Hotel Valuation
Hotel and tourism department work with market professionals. Our hotel valuation reports are admitted by special project departments of hight street banks of Turkey.

Gas Station Valuation
We have done many gas station valuation and got statistical information, analyses and numbers. Our gas station formula shows 92% confidence bounds.

Hotel Feasibility
Our market professionals prepare hotel feasibility reports with competator analysis, current market situation, expected investments, daily rates and more.

Urban Regeneration 
We do real estate valuation in process of urban regeneration. Our reports helps to residents of building and fair sharing after construction.

Our Certifications

Both of BSRA and CBD have certified us as valuation company and Bureau Veritas certified us with quality managing system. Here are our certifications.

BSRA Valuation License

IGD – Istanbul Real Estate Valuation is a “Board Listed” valuation agency by Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) in Turkey.

CMB Valuation License

IGD – Istanbul Real Estate Valuation is a “Board Listed” valuation agency by Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB) in Turkey.

Quality Management System

IGD – Istanbul Real Estate Valuation has adopted this internationally accepted system of operation, and based its Quality Management System on ISO 9001:2008 standard.

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