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Senior Valuer & Director

Ahmet Buyukduman received his undergraduate degree from METU (Middle East Technical University) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, and then completed his master’s studies in Istanbul University Faculty of Economics, in the field of “Economics Theory” in 1998. After working in various insurance companies and banks in the period of 1993-2003 as Officer, Auditor, and Branch Manager, he took the position of Director of Credits in a private bank in the period of 2003-2005. In 2005, he became one of the founders and managing partner of Istanbul Real Estate Valuation and Consulting Inc. Since 2005, Büyükduman is one of the “Real Estate Valuer” licensed by the Capital Markets Board. For the last 2 years, Ahmet Buyukduman teaches at Istanbul Bilgi University on Housing Finance, in the program of Capital Markets. He also trained approximately 2500 specialists in housing finance trainings for banks and training institutions. Buyukduman is continuing his studies at Istanbul University towards a Ph.D.

Ahmet Buyukduman is the holder of certificates from the Appraisal Institute on Small Hotel/Motel Valuation and on Appraising Convenience Stores / Retail Fuel Properties.

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Serhat Guven
Serhat Guven
6 yıl önce

Ahmet Bey merhaba,

Yaklasik 2 yildir uzerinde calistigim web sitem ( hakkinda sizi haberdar etmek amaciyla yaziyorum. Sitenin ana amaci Turkiye genelinde herhangi bir lokasyonda bulunan konut, is yeri veya arsanin degerlemesi ve kirasini tahmin etmektir. Bunun icin internetteki ilanlari kullandim ve bugun itibariyle 1.5 milyonun uzerinde (ve her gecen gun artmakta olan) bir veri setini kullaniyorum.
Mevcut durumda kullanicilar ozelliklerini girdikleri gayrimenkullerin fiyat tahminlerini gorebilmekte ve bu gayrimenkulleri portfoylerine ekleyerek belli sikliklarda guncel degerlemelerini email olarak alabilmektedirler. Su an kullanicilarin portfoylerindeki bu gayrimenkuller icin satilik veya kiralik ilan girmelerine olanak saglayan guncellemeler uzerinde calisiyorum ve tamamlamak uzereyim.
Bu calismam ilginizi cekerse lutfen iletisim kurmaktan cekinmeyin.
Serhat Guven

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