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An important part of the production oriented real estate (factories, workshops, breeding farms, concrete mixers, dry-docks, Wind Power Generators, Hydroelectric Power Plants etc.) is the machine pool. The machinery, equipment, vehicles, auxiliary tools and equipment comprising the machine pool vary by the industry.

IGD’s professional team composed of Mechanical Engineers work in the valuation activities regarding machinery, and carry out reviews of facilities in parallel to their fields of expertise. This enable appraisals of the fair market value for the equipments comprising the industrial facility, by classifying them on the basis of type, quantity, model, current state, remaining economic life, capacity, utilized technology, efficiency, and invoice records, making extensive use of the experience of the team.

While carrying out Machinery Valuation in consideration of the complexities of the object at hand, IGD employs certain special techniques as distinct from real estate valuation. These include reference to index and depreciation (time-based and economic) shares and the current market value of equipments. In addition to all these, IGD carries out deliberations with machinery producers, in an effort to determine the up to date second-hand values of the equipment, with great care.

Machinery Park and Equipment Valuation

IGD’s Machinery Park and Equipment Valuation unit employs experienced engineers, who have served in managerial positions in the industry, and who have prepared expertise reports for various institutions.

The services provided by IGD in the field of Machinery Park and Equipment Valuation include:

  • Valuation of machinery parks of industrial facilities
  • Valuation of machinery parks and equipments of workshops
  • Valuation of concrete mixers/plants
  • Valuation of breeding/dairy farms
  • Valuation of hotel equipment
  • Valuation of gas stations
  • Valuation of Wind Power Generators
  • Valuation of Hydroelectric Power Plants
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